Hello All,
Another week and it's another adventure!!! I've washed more dishes this week, and hiked and skied harder than I ever thought possible. I worked as a temp. washing dishes so that i could make rent and pay for food and entertainment, so I can stop using my savings from the States. I've telemarked five of the last seven days, so life has been pretty good. I also had a great nights out to celebrate the fourth and fifth of July!!! I've just finished reading "the world is flat" and am about to start reading "the ethics of what we eat".
To Save money I've started sharing the camper with a fellow ski bum. James is a nice guy from Australia who works at Treble Cone and has the best job in New Zealand.He Cleans dishes at Treble Cone with two of the prettiest German women I've ever seen.

So I've cut my expenses skied a bunch and now all I needed was a sweet job.......I've landed a part time position on the Treble Cone Ski Racing Crew, and a part time events position at Cardrona. So I'll work all the events in the Wanaka/Otago Region and teleski the rest of the time. Rough life, I know but some one has to do it.

Until Next time....
Take Care,
Tyler A. Newton